
Do you hate your job ?

If you do, your are a member of the majority. Blame it on outrages CEO pay, outsourcing, or whatever, the matter of fact is that nowadays Americans hate their jobs more than ever before in the past 20 years, with less than 50% saying they are satisfied. The trend is strongest among workers under the age of 25, less than 39% of whom are satisfied with their jobs. Workers age 45 to 54 have the second lowest level of satisfaction (less than 45%), according a survey conducted by The Conference Board.
One interesting, but not surprising finding is that money can buy job satisfaction - people making under $15,000 per year reported the lowest satisfaction while those making more than $50,000 per year said they were the most satisfied.


Squeezy said...

so this leaves a question for another case study, don't you think so? Does people love their job and what they do or does people love the money they earn?!

Anonymous said...

★numericlife2 Is this you? … :)!

Jen said...

Yes! I do! I am definitely part of those stats. I truly HATE my job, but I have to say this is the first time ever I do, and I'm 34.

Breezy said...

have to take issue with the money buying satisfaction conclusion far more likely that the higher paying jobs called for more skill, specialist knowledge or whatever so were more satisfying