
A rise in infomania

In a recent survey in UK, researchers found 62% of people checked working related email or IM at home or on holiday. More than 50% of the 1,100 respondents said they always responded to an email as soon as possible, with 21% admitting they would interrupt a meeting to do so. However, the important finding is this: those distracted by incoming email and phone calls saw a 10-point fall in their IQ - 200% more than the impact of smoking marijuana.


TagBagger said...

I'll never go out without a collection of useless statistics again...

Tanning Lotion said...

I believe that. Reading email makes you mindless sometimes.

Tanning Lotion

Rob said...

That is the honest truth. The more email I have to read, the less I am able to think. For a long time I have been unable to put my finger on what is wrong with corporate america.This explains it. Great Blog, I'll keep looking at it.

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