
The world's most expensive coffee

The cost of one cup of Kopi Luwak coffee at Australia's Heritage Tea Rooms is $41.67. Brewed from beans handpicked out of civet-cat droppings, it is reputedly the world's rarest and most expensive coffee.


Bilbo said...

I love a good cup of coffee, but somehow the idea of coffee that has come to my cup via feline droppings is a little on the unappetizing side. And I thought coffee with chicory was nasty...

Mike said...

Look up supertaster and you'll find out why I think coffee is the most %$@#& tasting liquid on the planet. Nothing you put in coffee can make the bitter taste go away.

John A Hill said...

I really enjoy a good cup of coffee, but $40+ per cup? Maybe I'll see if I can force feed our Maine Coon a handfull of beans. If it works out, I'll have a new supplemental income.

Jen said...

Yikes, I'm suddenly very glad I don't like coffee!

Joanne said...

Wow, I wonder what that tastes like? I mean would I think it tastes good because I actually liked it or would my tastes buds be a tad biasedly swayed by the hefty $40+ price tag, you know?? LOLS. Although, I generally prefer green tea to anything.

Great site! I've added you to my "I LIKE TO READ" section....so look forward to reading more interesting numeric tidbits from you!!!

Sicilian said...

Life . . . I am not a coffee drinker, but cat droppings . . .. ewwwwwwww.

Gina said...

Hmmmm....brings new meaning to the sentence....this coffee taste like....sh**t.
