
Fat men less likely to commit suicide

A new study found that among men, risk of death from suicide is strongly inversely related to BMI (Body Mass Index), not to height or to physical activity. In fact, obese men are 42% less likely to commit suicide than thin men are.
This finding appears consistent with our commmen sense - (1) fat men have more insulin, which means more serotonin, which means less depression. So fewer fat men are depressed enough to commit suicide. (2) severe depression makes you thinner before it makes you kill yourself.


newsernet team said...

Ha ha - very interesting. Liked the analysis too. Is there actual science backing it up, or is it just a correlation? Anyway, nice post.

John A Hill said...

Gives new meaning to "Safety in numbers"

Unknown said...

Scares me, I have been losing weight the past few weeks.

Anonymous said...

That is quite interesting. I'm more likely to off my self than any other in my school...Quiant...

Russ Altman said...

Hey...I enjoyed reading your blog. I keep telling my wife that there have got to be health benefits to being overweaight; and no I have proof :) This is our blog http://altmansinmonterrey.blogspot.com/


KeesKennis said...

As a fatty I can also state that suicide sounds like work and fattys avoid that at all cost.