
Positive and negative national influence

I just spotted this graphic on the BBC site. It appears China is doing better than USA. Hi, USA is viewed more negative than North Korea ?


Anonymous said...

Check out this awesome Presidential Candidate I found online. He is trying to break the mold of big money, big power politics to help real Americans! Read about him at: www.hargis.info

sayqeeh said...

Well... I guess things look different from OUTSIDE of the U. S., right?

Tinsie said...

Things do look different from outside the US. Way different.

C said...

You are SO funny.

nicco said...


MagisterForan said...

I am sooo stealing this - with a link back to you, of course. :-)

Ray Rigo said...

What's really interesting about these numbers is the total. 81% of those surveyed /have/ an opinion of US influence, while the next closest is China at 75% (and they're followed closely by Japan and the large European powers).

Sludge said...

US always acts as a world police, isn't it?
Should the world RUNNING as the US wishes?