
Do we all need mental health care ?

According to Dr. Erick Messias, a psychiatrist at the Medical College of Georgia and lead author of a study published in the March issue of Psychiatric Services, nearly 30% of the general population needs mental health care, while only 1/3 of them receive it. The two largest groups in need of care are people in need of treatment for alcohol dependence (14%) and major depression (11%).

So for every 100 people who read this post, although most will claim they are being fine, 30 people actually should to seek mental health care from psychiatrists/psychologists/social workers/occupational therapists.


khengsiong said...

Some depressed people resort to alcohol, thinking that it will make them happy.

What say you?

Jen said...

Well, I'm fine! ; )

Anonymous said...

oh my!
I'm one of those 100 people who read this post.I already discussed with a psychologist last semester.


Anonymous said...

Que importante sería, si el idioma no fuese obstáculo para poder traducir tan importante página, hablo el castellano y no se que tienen escrito en esta página.